Revising possibilistic knowledge bases using FH-conditioning: Extended abstract
Salem Benferhat  1@  , Omar Et-Targuy, Ahlame Begdouri, Carole Delenne@
1 : CRIL
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS

Conditioning plays an important role in revising uncertain information in light of new evidence.
This work focuses on the study of Fagin and Halpern (FH-)conditioning in the context where uncertain information is represented by weighted or possibilistic belief bases. Weighted belief bases are extensions of classical logic belief bases where a weight or degree of belief is associated with each propositional logic formula.
This paper proposes a characterization of a syntactic computation of the revision of weighted belief bases (in the light of new information) which is in full agreement with the semantics of the FH-conditioning of possibilistic distributions.

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